
EXPLORER 3000 4.0

SKU: 017 Category:

Simultaneous management up to nr. 12 ovens. Directly from the PC you can perform: drawing up and storing cycles, command, control and management of the ovens; Recording, archiving and personalized printing of the thermal cycles performed. Software highly appreciated by all specialized bodies in charge of verification for quality certification on production control. Optional: Automatic product / thermal cycle identification system with Bar code reader. LIGHT version for the management up to max. 4 ovens.


EXPLORER 3000 4.0


PC software

Main features

Programming, Recording, Remote assistance, Visualization

Max No. of ovens that can be connected


Operating System

Win 10 Pro, Win 7 Pro

Minimum PC requirements

3 free USB ports

Suitable for the specific job of managing SERMAC electric ovens or those of other manufacturers with compatible management features. The software can simultaneously and quickly manage up to a maximum of 12 ovens. (EXPLORER 3000 4.0 LIGHT: max nr. 4 ovens).

It operates in a recent edition WINDOWS environment. Safe data transmission and reception via serial cable connection.

main features

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